
Global University Summit 2024

Greetings from the Global University Summitt in Springfield MO USA. Over a hundred countries were represented and shared their stories of how GU students are “Winning the Lost and Training the Found Everywhere”

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Commencement 2024

CommencementJune 13, 2024Global University will be hosting Commencement on June 13, 2024 in Springfield, Missouri. For updates to come click the link below. Find out more!Global University Commencement Ceremony 2024 - Video

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Why You Should Start a Global University Study Group

Some people thrive with distance learning, but others struggle with the lack of face-to-face interactions. If you are one of the latter, you could benefit from starting a Global University study group at your local church. Global University explains the benefits of starting a study group. What Is a Study Group? The Global

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5 Ways to Give Your Time This Christmas Season

We are in the beautiful season of giving, and one of the most invaluable gifts you have to give this Christmas is your time. There are many shelters, ministries, and nursing homes in need of volunteers to do tasks as simple as delivering food.   If you are looking for ways to

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4 Tips for Reading Through the Entire Bible

Reading the Bible is an enjoyable task, and most people have their favorite chapters and verses they love to revisit. But it can be surprising how few people have read the Bible in its entirety. Often, we start a goal of reading the Bible cover to cover but fall off

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3 Benefits of Getting a Certificate Through Global University

At Global University, we offer several different certificates students can obtain by completing the required coursework. All of our undergraduate certificates have different criteria, ranging from 15 to 30 hours of required classes in various areas of study.   The certificates we offer include the following:   Bible and Theology Certificate Pastoral Counseling Certificate Bible Interpreter

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